
Wednesday, December 21, 2011

What I did - and did NOT do.

What I was SUPPOSED to accomplish today
  • Find the perfect scarf for my sister (under $15.00). - This is the last present I have to get, and I am really going to have to shop around for it.
I found her scarf at Rue 21 for $9.62! They had had some really cool ones at Icing too, but they were all in the $18.00 - $25.00 range and I really wanted to stay under $15.00. I think she is going to love the one I found though. Its black, with silver shiny stuff in it, and well, I'm terrible at descriptions, but its EXACTLY what she would want. She loves black, and she loves shiny. WIN WIN.
BIG FAT FAIL. We were so worn out after shopping, that we decided to put this off until tomorrow. And believe me, we WILL go tomorrow. I have to stay on top of my goals!
  • Go to the movies with my Loveyy - Now ordinarily I wouldn't waste the money on the movie theater, but this is my Christmas gift to him. I decided he could have it early.
We did not do this. But its not because we "failed" to do so. It was more like we decided that today was going to be busy enough, I didn't want his gift to feel like just another chore, or thing to check off my list. We have decided to wait until next week, after the Christmas Hooplah has died down.
  • Bake half of the cookies.
We made 84 cookies today! WOO. I am proud of how many we made today. I would have finished them all, but... I ran out of butter **Bowing head in shame** and after shopping this morning I didn't feel like going out again.
I admit, I haven't made a single one today. I took a nap instead, I really didn't sleep well last night. Hopefully I will get a few done tonight.

Two out of five things done isn't exactly good. But hey - things happen.

Things I accomplished that weren't on my list:

I finished my Christmas shopping! Two presents for our Yankee Swap on Christmas eve! Also, an additional movie for my two little sisters. I also went by the humane society and picked up the flea medication for my dog. He has a terrible allergy to them and if he isn't being treated they eat him alive, and he gets a horrible rash, that gets infected, and its all just HORRIBLE!

I was excited to find this medication. Its called Comfortis and its only $15.00 a month!! That easily fits into our budget. If you buy a 6 month supply then it is a little discounted. I swear by this stuff. We put it on him, and in just 30 minutes I could see a huge difference. Its a chewable tablet too, so you don't have to wrestle your dog, and then isolate him, just to keep him flea free!

I also Wrapped ALL of the gifts we have bought!


  • Go on a walk.
  • Go to bank to get cashiers check.
Simple, easy. Nothing to it. It better get done. HELLO WILLPOWER!

Oh yeah - I added the Facebook "like" thingy on my side bar. SO don't forget to "like" me on facebook! : ) Please.

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