
Friday, December 2, 2011

Down and back.

Today I accompanied my friend on her trip way down south to pick up her daughter for the weekend. We drove 12 hours today! I really think car trips are good for the soul, my soul atleast. I am more talkative in the car and I get everything ff my chest. The trip was crazy and full of laughs and all in all I am glad we made it together. The look on her and her daughters face alone when the saw each other was priceless. I felt truly blessed to be with them. She was kind enough to treat me to breakfast, dinner, AND a late night coffee, I really haven't met someone as generous as her in a long time. When first deciding to go down with her, I felt like I was the one helping her, knowing she had few other people she could lean on. However, after arriving back home, filled with stories of our crazy day, I feel like she was the one to help me. I haven't had a day out with such a kind soul in a long time and my heart is now filled with joy. I feel like today was a successful OGB day for both her and I. I hope that she enjoyed having me as much as I enjoyed being there.

I also donated a dollar to the National Cancer Society.

How did you give back today?

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