
Sunday, February 27, 2011

My Challenge For March!

No-Spend Feb. has inspired me to create new challenges for myself throughout the year. This is my March Challenge, "Stock Up For May"

In this challenge, saving in March will be a little more difficult, but here is the deal:
I am going to cut coupons and find all those "five for ten dollars" kind of deals. Each week I will try and stock up on individual items (Toilet Paper, Spaghetti, Shampoo, Pet Food, Sandwhich meat etc.) that way in march the only things I should have to pay for are my fixed monthly bills and obviously the fresh foods. March will be tight, but in May I should be able to focus on saving! And after all, that is the ultimate goal. :]

Does anyone else have any challenges set?
Let me know what you think about mine.


Sharon said...

Love this one! It should make April and May pretty easy with your stockup! :)!

Maureen said...

This is pretty much the same direction I will be taking this month, as my pantry and freezer stocks are really depleted.

are you intending another no spend month in May ???

Jane said...

I've never done a stockup before and think it's a great idea - I'll be cheering you on!

Aubrey Rose said...

Basically yes, I am planning another No Spend, and hopefully I will be more prepared for this one!
Anyone wanting to join in the stocking up challenge just let me know, and I will Support you %100!